About us

Christ living purpose embassy

The Bible is replete with virtually inexhaustible provisions for Man’s comfort here on earth and in eternity. The oldest singular limitation is Man’s refusal to simply obey the WORD of GOD. 3 John 2 for instance reaffirmed God’s persistent intention and plan for man: 




Love of God


What We Believe.....

This is the Statement of the bible doctrine as believed and taught by Christ living purpose Embassy, a.k.a Purpose Embassy. Our Statement of faith is originated from the bible and is in total agreement with the principles of the doctrines of Jesus  Christ. We believe that the bible contains the inspired and infallible word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter1:20-21).
We believe that there is only one God eternally existent in three persons; God the father, God the son and God the holy ghost.(Ephesians 4:5-6) We are witnessed of our Lord Jesus Christ all over the world and we believe that Jesus is coming back to earth the same way he went to heaven (Acts 1:8-11) A.we believe we can do all things through Jesus grace that we preach all around the world (Philippians 4:13). B. We totally depend on God for all spiritual and material blessings (Philippians 4 :19). C. We are the light of the world, a people that cannot be hidden,every where we go we shine for God’s glory (Matthew 5:14-16). D. We are a blessing to all generations (Genesis 12:3). E. We are smart in the spirit (Romans 12:11). F. We always obtain good report (Hebrew 11:2). Please remain in Jesus  faith to be connected.

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we are on a mission to reach out to many through the world of god